United for Solidarity, Climate, Justice and Peace – Now The People! Political declaration

Faites défiler en bas pour découvrir la version française The crises that have hit Europe in recent years have exacerbated the social and climate emergencies that already existed. The explosion in prices has benefited a handful of profiteers while widening inequalities and plunging more households into precariousness. The effects of climate change on Europe have […]

May 11th : our first common meeting in Marseille !

The alliance Now the People! is proud to welcome you to its first meeting together in Marseille. Hanna Gedin, Ione Belarra, Manon Aubry, Eva Milsted, Jean-Luc Mélenchon and José Manuel Pureza will be the speaking in the south of France.

Real change will come from the people

The European Union is at a crossroads. Will it be part of the solution to the climate crisis, or part of the problem? Will it cling to failed one-sided, market-oriented policies, or will it choose a different direction?

COP24 – Our planet is not a commodity

“Do as I say, not as I do.” The expression perfectly sums up European leaders’ climate policy. On Wednesday 28 November, Miguel Arias Cañete, the European Commissioner for Climate Action, said: “The EU has already started the transformation towards a climate neutral economy“.

Now the People! – Brussels declaration

Together we, progressive forces want a new project for the European peoples. We oppose the founding treaties of the European Union, which place the rights and interests of corporations above the rights and interests of people and the planet.

For a citizen revolution in Europe – Lisbon declaration

Europe has never been as rich as today. It has never been so unequal either. Ten years after the explosion of a financial crisis our people should never have had to pay, we see that the European rulers have condemned our peoples to a lost decade.