We could sense a joyful atmosphere between the members of the alliance. Some of them happy to be reunited, others, as new MEPs, eager to discover the Parliament and their new colleagues. “The European Parliament is officially opened. First time ever with @Enhedslisten in place with the rest of the European left.” said Nikolaj Villumsen, proud to be elected for Enhedslisten.

Happy moments between Marisa Matias, Younous Omarjee,
Nikolaj Villumsen, Manon Aubry and Malin Bjork.
Already at work
This first session was already the time to make several stands for the alliance. Mercosur agreement, immigration policies, top jobs distribution… Now the People! refuses that those important matters are eventually decided whether or not the Parliament is consulted. The alliance wants to bring human, ecological and democratic responses on those subjects. “ »We want the EU to progress but not based on the exploitation of workers or natural resources” said Sira Rego, GUE/NGL candidate for president of the European Parliament.
"We want this Parliament to build a Europe of peace, a Europe of solidarity, where nobody is left behind" ✊🏾✊🏿✊🏻✊🏼✊🏽 Powerful speech by @SiraRego Left candidate for president of the European Parliament at #EPlenary in Strasbourg. pic.twitter.com/saDPCELKkO
— The Left in the European Parliament (@GUENGL) July 3, 2019